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Spatial Biology – Webinars and Online Events

Miltenyi_November7th2023_Understanding the Role of Immune Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment_Hosted by Technology Networks

Understanding the Role of Immune Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment

Using the example of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), this webinar takes a closer look at immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME), helping us to gain a better understanding of how specific subtypes and their reprogramming may influence therapy efficiency.
cell to cell ed cal tech net 26 october 2023

Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cancer

Cancer cells engage in intricate interactions with neighboring cancerous and stromal cells through direct cell-to-cell contact and paracrine signaling. Long-range communication with distant organ sites is facilitated by extracellular vesicles, as well as signaling molecules like cytokines, hormones and growth factors .
10x genomics

Single-Cell Spatial Analysis Reveals Early Transcriptional Changes in Pancreatic Tumorigenesis

In this webinar, Dr. Luciane Kagohara from Johns Hopkins Medicine will discuss a novel artificial intelligence method integrating imaging, spatial transcriptomics and single-cell RNA-seq data that has been used to characterize the cell state transitions in pancreatic cancer progression.

Ask Me Anything: Spatial Biology

This AMA event grants you unprecedented access to the pioneering expert Dr. Nigel Jamieson, delving deep into the captivating realm of spatial biology – completely free of charge.
Exploring Tumor Innervation With Tissue Clearing  and 3D Imaging content piece image

Exploring Tumor Innervation With Tissue Clearing and 3D Imaging

This webinar is perfect for researchers interested in cancer biology, the role of the sympathetic nervous system in tumor growth and in exploring novel techniques in imaging and tissue clearing.
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How To Stain and Clear Large Samples for 3D Light Sheet Microscopy

Enhance your research by gaining a solid understanding of how to unravel tissue complexity and how to establish an optimized workflow for 3D imaging in your lab.
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Spatially Encoded Pathways for Immune Tolerance in Human Health and Disease

In this webinar, Dr. Angelo will showcase his research into understanding the evolving spatiotemporal network behind how immune tolerance develops in cancer, pregnancy and TB.
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Cloning in the Third Dimension: Breakthroughs in 3D Biology

Traditional organoid culture can present challenges for the downstream analysis of single organoids. In this webinar, Dr. Allysa Stern will discuss a unique workflow that enables clonal organoid development, monitoring of iPSC differentiation over time and automated isolation of single organoids.

Dr. Scott Magness will then present a case related to his group’s work investigating tumor cell heterogeneity through clonal organoid morphology and transcriptomics. He will discuss new approaches using single organoid transcriptomics to evaluate organoids derived from single cells from gastric dysplastic tissues and how this approach might reveal new ways to investigate tumor cell heterogeneity and evasion of some cells from cancer treatments.
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Novel Bioassays in Picodroplets for Single-Cell Analysis

Speaking at the Advances in Drug Discovery & Development 2022, Romina Durigon from Sphere Fluidics discusses novel bioassays in picodroplets for single-cell analysis.
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The Tumor Microenvironment Series: Overcoming Challenges in TIL Analysis

Attend this webinar to:
- Overcome key challenges when working with rare antigen-specific T cells
- Learn the key considerations when preparing samples for single-cell sequencing
- Gain insights into tumor single-cell sequencing results